A brief description of the products that you can order using this form are below:

Platinum Planner Clinical Logbook
This pocket size notebook allows students to jot down every patient encounter on the fly and assure accurate electronic documentation when the time is right. From tracking gender, actual age, chief complaints and skills to preceptor signatures, students can keep track of everything in one spot.

  • Each book has adequate space to document 80 patients
  • Emergency contact page
  • Plus other references

In a profession that trains and works in all environments, this clinical logbook is great when you do not have a computer or internet connection.

Student-Preceptor Introduction Cards
At the end of their shift candidates’ drop off this introduction card to Platinum Planner to their preceptors. The business card size informational card carefully describes how they log into the website to judge student’s experience and performance online. It conveniently allows students to share their name, school affiliation user login and instructions in one place at one time.