Q: One of our instructors is no longer teaching here. How do we assign their class to a different instructor? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our November 2013 Newsletter by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate

Q: One of our instructors is no longer teaching here. How do we assign their class to a different instructor?

A: This will require the help of your school administrator. First the administrator will assume the identity of the original instructor by selecting the instructors name from the School Administrator home page and clicking “Edit Instructor”. From here they’ll click the “Login As” tab and then assume the instructors identity.

Now that they’re logged in as the instructor, they can click on the name of the class and then click “Edit Class”. From the “Class Settings” tab they can change the class instructor to another instructor in the program. Once they save the changes the class will disappear from that instructor’s page and show up on the new instructor’s home page.