September 2021 Features

September 19th, 2021

Display Attendance Information

Expanding the capabilities of the attendance feature we have added a new view to View Documentation as any user that has access to Opportunities either an Instructor in Manage Student Documentation or a Student in My Opportunities.

All the user has to do is select view documentation and there is a new expandable field called attendance which shows the Check-in/Check-out, the satellite map, and additional information in the more section.

Returned Tab Modifications

Also within opportunities as an Instructor you will notice that the returned tab may not be there. It could also be displayed as Returned To Student or Returned To Preceptor.

This is the new functionality of the Returned tab. It only appears if you return documentation and it is broken up between Preceptor and Student so you will know who the documentation was returned too.

If you do return documentation to either party make sure to refresh the screen to see the change.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

September 5th, 2021

Platinum Planner Class Defaults

As a School Administrator in Platinum Planner navigate to Courses/Classes/Sites and select Manage Course Classes. In the Actions column you will see a new link called “Defaults”.
When selected you can now add defaults to the entire class now instead of just one student at a time.

Platinum Planner Optional Skills Progress Report View

When viewing the progress report you would see a plethora of optional skills if the school set the minimum to 0 for that skill. The progress bar would also display blue 100%.
We adjusted that to now only show those skills if a student has documented that optional skill. The skill also appears if it is pending, defaulted, or peer reviewed.
Otherwise it does not show in that list.

EMSTesting Scramble Questions

Simply put if you are adding an exam to a class there is an option to scramble the exam questions. When selected the exam will be different based on question order for each student taking the exam.

Check out the video below to see it in action!