NEW FEATURES: August 2018

These are all the new features for August 2018

August 26th

Students and Messaging

Students can now send Messages when Signing up for Shifts that require approval.

So if the school decides that the student must be approved before they can go on a shift. The student will have the option of adding in a message.

This is also true with shared site selectable shifts as well.

Check out this video to see the feature in action!

August 19th

Preceptor and School Administrators

School Admins and Credit

Now located in the upper right of the dashboard, the add credit option has been updated. You can select the drop down arrow next to it and renew your subscription, edit the school, or view transactions.

This button changes once the school is getting close to expire to Renew instead of add credit.

No worries though. When this happens you will still be able to select the drop down and use the other options like before. We just wanted it to be easier on you.

Preceptor and Approving Documentation

Preceptors documentation approval process has changed.

Now when they select complete, their view will look like the students view for filling out documentation. They will be able to review everything on the “Review” tab, fill out the forms associated with the shift on the “Forms” tab and approve, reject, or return documentation on the “Completed” tab.

Please watch this video to see these new changes in action!

August 12th

You can now Filter Skills!



Now when you are creating labs and selecting skills for the students to fill out a head of time so they don’t have to select the skills. You can filter the skills.

You can enter in the name of the skill, sort by groups, or by classification.


You can also do this when creating scenarios or scenario templates and selecting the required labs skills that must be performed before entering the scenario.