Q: Is there a way that Platinum Planner can send out automated emails to clinical sites that show them what clinical shifts students are on?

A: Yes. As a School Administrator, if you go to “Courses/Classes/Sites” in the red toolbar, you can select “Manage Calendar Emails”. The “Active” tab will display all of the current and ongoing scheduled emails you have set up, while “Flagged” will show any scheduled calendar emails you have deactivated and are no longer sending.

To create a new scheduled calendar email, select “Add New Schedule” in the upper-right. The “Calendar Source” is where you will select whether the calendar you want to send out is for a School Clinical Site or a Shared Clinical Site. The “Clinical Site” is where you can select which clinical sites calendar you would like to send out.

“Location” allows you to select if you want the calendar that is sent out to just include clinical/field opportunities scheduled at a certain location at the site, or if you’d like it to include opportunities for all locations at a site.

“Occurrence” is how often you would like the calendar to be emailed out. Weekly is once a week, BiWeekly will be once every two weeks, and Monthly will be once a month. The “Start Date” is when you would like this calendar to begin to be sent out. We usually suggest not setting it to the current day, as calendars may have already been sent out for the day, and so your recipients would need to wait until the next occurrence.

Under “Add a new recipient” you can add in the name and email for anyone you would like to receive a scheduled calendar email, one at a time. Multiple recipients can be added if there are multiple individuals who will need this information, and you can remove a recipient from this list by selecting the “X” to the right of their name.

Once you select “Submit” at the bottom-right, the system will begin sending out emails to the recipients you’ve listed starting on the Start Date and occurring as often as you’ve selected in Occurrence. These calendar emails display the schedule for the clinical site and location(s) you’ve selected for the next 5 weeks. This will allow clinical sites to see not just who is scheduled for this week, but also to prepare for upcoming shifts further out. Multiple scheduled emails can be set up, so you can let the system notify the different clinical sites/locations/individuals of the schedules that would be relevant to them.

Should you need to temporarily(or permanently) stop these emails from being generated and sent, go back to “Manage Calendar Emails” and select “Edit” to the right of one of the schedules. After you do that, under “Occurrence” will be a box labeled “Flagged (This schedule will not be sent)”. Selecting that box and clicking “Save” will stop the emails from being sent out until you come back in and unflag the schedule.