New Features: July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024 Features Update   Add Watermark to our Test PDF files As a result of our continuing commitment to maintaining our test bank security, we have made a few changes to the test printouts in EMSTesting and Platinum Tests. Now, when users print off those PDFs, there will be a watermark of the […]

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New Features: October 29th, 2023

October 29th, 2023 Features   Add Link to Transfer Request Form on Dashboard For School/Course Admins In Platinum Planner, EMSTesting, and Platinum Tests users cannot transfer a student from one course to another, but our Customer Support Team can assist with the process provided the situation fits within our transfer policy. We have now made […]

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Q: One of my students was accidentally accepted into the wrong course. How do I transfer them to another course?

A: In Platinum Planner, PlatinumTests, and EMSTesting, it is not possible for School Administrators or Instructors to transfer a student from one course to another. If a student is accepted into the wrong course and their enrollment fee is paid, and they then sign up for and are accepted into the correct course, the program […]

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NEW FEATURES: September 2018

Peers being able to track with Minimums set to 0. Student’s Pending Enrollment Message has been Updated! School Admin We heard that some schools wanted to allow students to use the Peer Review option, but not necessarily count in the progress reports. It is possible now! All a school administrator needs to do is set […]

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Preparing and Identifying Candidates: Formative Vs. Summative Exams

By Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator Allied Health, EMS and Nurse educators are tasked with preparing and identifying candidates who are qualified for their chosen profession. Plus, they are mandated to assure their learners can pass their credentialing exams the first time. One of the ways a program can confirm that they have met their […]

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2018 Student Scholarships for EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health Programs!

Platinum Educational Group, the Testing, Scheduling, and Skills Tracking Experts, understands the struggles and obstacles that are presented to students obtaining higher education in the healthcare industries. In 2015, Platinum Educational Group launched its inaugural scholarships program geared at EMS students. In 2016, the company expanded its product line to include the Nursing and Allied […]

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The Truth in Validity

The subject of testing validity comes up quite a bit in the EMS education industry. It’s a topic of tremendous importance because it descends from honesty and integrity. These are ideals held important to us in the EMS Education field. It is particularly significant to Platinum Educational Group, as it is the backbone of our […]

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Truth Telling in Healthcare

This article was originally posted in our April 2017 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator As an EMS instructor/coordinator I can honestly say that the task of taking new candidates from civilian life to qualified EMS providers is an enormous undertaking. Whether we are training an academy of Emergency Medical Responders for police work […]

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