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Platinum Resources


Attention All Fall Programs!

By Sherry Kinnucan, Platinum Educational Group


We don’t want to rush the summer, but it's time to gear up for the next school year!  Fall, the peak season for our Education and Training team, is fast approaching! To meet the high demand for training during this period, please sign up for training early to ensure that your courses are set up in time!

For new programs, it may be helpful for you to have the following information available for the course setup:

Course Syllabi

  • Instructor names and email addresses

  • Skills/Competencies to be tracked during psychomotor skill lab

  • Skills/Competencies to be tracked during the clinical phase

  • Skills/Competencies to be tracked during Internship/Externship

  • Clinical category hours requirements

  • Clinical site information - Address and Contact Person information

  • Preceptor names and email addresses

Signing up for training is easy! You can use the blue Schedule Training link on your dashboard or can using the links  below:

New customers may need more time and should use our 2-hour session:

Screenshot of Webinar Scheduling Portal

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