By Customer Support Team, Platinum Educational Group
You’ve created a new course and the classes within it, but you can’t see students or content for a class? This includes the students, tests, opportunities, or documentation that you should see. This could lead to potential issues such as missed tests or opportunities. Sometimes, school admins can get everything created but forget one important step: adding instructors to each individual class within the course.
For example, if you have a course that is using both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner: Let’s say you have one class for this course in testing, and 4 classes in planner for this course (1 Lab, 1 Clinical, 1 Simulation clinical class, and 1 Field Internship). Whoever needs to be in the instructor role for any or all of these classes, has to be added as an instructor under each individual class.
To do this is a little different depending on if you’re doing it for Testing or Planner, but very similar you can check the instructor status, or make additions/changes to instructors by doing the following per-class within this course:
A school admin can go to their dashboard, then click ‘edit’ to the right of the course in question under ‘manage courses’.

Now from the course edit screen, we’ll start by looking at EMSTesting. Click on the ‘EMSTesting’ Tab. Then the ‘classes’ tab under that. Then edit a class listed.

On the next class edit screen, on the first ‘settings’ tab you land on, click on the dropdown menu labeled ‘class instructors’. This dropdown will display any active instructor accounts that have been added to EMStesting. Click on one or more instructors (as many as you want to have instructor access/permissions for this class in EMSTesting).

Once you’ve selected the instructors you need, click save at the bottom right of the page.
For Platinum Planner classes, this looks different, but really the process is very similar. From the dashboard, we will click ‘edit’ to the right of the course we want to work with again, then click the ‘platinum planner’ tab, instead of EMStesting. Then click the ‘classes’ tab under that. And then click ‘edit’ to the right of one of the classes you’d like to add an instructor to (You’ll have to do this per planner class within this course)

Once in one of the class-edit screens, click to switch to the ‘instructors’ tab. By default the toggle to the upper-right will be set to ‘active’, so it will only show active instructors in the class. So if no instructors have been added yet, it will display blank. Click the toggle to ‘All’. This will then list all planner instructors for your school; currently active instructors in this class will display green and have the checkbox checked. All inactive instructors for this class will display as yellow and un-checked. Click the checkbox to turn green all of the instructors you want to have instructor access/permissions for this specific class.

Lastly, you repeat this process for all classes in this course for platinum planner, and your instructor’s access will be all set! If you ever need to change the instructors for any classes, this can be edited/changed at any time.