By Alanah Manning, Platinum Educational Group
Platinum’s Knowledgebase Help Videos provide our users with all the resources they need to utilize our software best. Users can find quick answers to questions through our Knowledgebase, videos explaining how to use our site in the Help Videos tabs located in user Homes, and videos showing recent updates in our New Feature section of the dashboard.
The Knowledgebase:
Our knowledgebase is a library of articles that explain how to use all the user pages, give step-by-step instructions, and explain common questions asked by many users. The knowledgebase can be accessed by clicking the "Red Help button" on the bottom right of any page of our website or by those with administrator roles through the dashboard by clicking the "Program Resources" tile. From there, users can search keywords to find articles to assist them on our site.

If you do not see an article that you are looking for or would like to request an article be added, you can fill out the linked form below to request one be added. Article Request Form. Help Videos: Platinum has many videos that go over each user role and cover much of each section to explain its use. They can be found in the user home of each role, click "Help Videos," then click the link. The example below shows the student videos that can be found in the student home of Platinum Planner. Please note: Help videos are not a replacement for training. Though the videos go through much of the site, training for school team members is still strongly recommended.

Update Videos:
Platinum Educational Group is dedicated to providing our users with the best experience when using our website. To do this, we are frequently updating our website to add new features or expanding existing ones to enhance what they can do. New features occur because of a customer’s future feature request, updates from accrediting bodies, or a suggestion by an employee. These update videos can be seen at the very bottom of the page of the main dashboard, organized by the publish date of the update. The linked page will show you a note about the update and a video explaining the change and how it functions.
Platinum’s Knowledgebase Help Videos is something we are passionate about, and we hope this is a helpful resource.