Q: As a Teacher, is there a way for me to set up labs in Platinum Planner so that students can sign up for them, much like they do for clinical opportunities?

A: Yes! The programmers have recently done an update to Platinum Planner to allow teachers the option to create labs and allow students to sign up for them, rather than automatically add each student in the class to them. To do this, start by making sure your role is set to “Teacher” in the upper-right […]

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Q: My students have been reporting to me that they cannot take their tests when I activate Platinum Secure Testing. Is there any advice that I can offer them to help them gain access to their tests?

A: Platinum Secure Testing is a secure testing browser designed to allow students to take online tests, but prevent them from accessing other websites while they test or running certain applications like Messenger, Skype, or other communication applications. As it does require that students close these other applications before Platinum Secure Testing will allow them […]

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Q: When I go to create/edit one of my lab classes in PlatinumPlanner.com, I noticed a new option for “Allow students to create labs”. What does this do?

A: In the past, teachers have had the ability to create a lab session for their students, but students could also create a lab session on their side as well. This meant that a teacher could set up a single lab for every student in their class, mark which lab skills would be covered, and […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, when I go to create new clinical opportunities, I’ve noticed new options titled “Sign Up By Start Date” and “Sign Up By End Date”. What do these do?

A: The “Sign Up By End Date” is just a renaming of the “Sign Up By” option that was there previously. This lets you set the minimum number of days in advance for a student to sign up for an opportunity. Entering the number “7” would mean that students can sign up for an opportunity […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, when my students sign up for EMS clinical opportunities, a new message appears next to the “Category” saying: “EMS – These are intended for EMS ride along time aka Field Experience and not Field Internship”. What does that mean?

A: Our programmers have recently updated the website to allow Field Internship Capstone hours to be tracked separately from standard field experience, or “EMS” hours. To adjust your hour requirement settings, simply log into the site and make sure your role is set to “School Administrator” or “School User”. Then go to “Courses/Classes/Sites” in the […]

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Q: I Can’t Find the Answer In My Book?

by Doug Smith, CEO A: This along with “What textbook do you use?”, “Where is this referenced in the Textbook?”, or “My textbook says___” are common comments and questions we hear. I think describing how Platinum Educational Group develops and validates its questions may help answer these questions. Platinum Educational Group started by writing at […]

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Q: It looks like the student signup page for Shared Sites has changed. How is it different from the way it was before?

A: Previously, students would go to sign up for a shared site opportunity and be presented with 3 bars for the date they were looking at. There was one bar for the availability of the site, one bar for the availability of the student, and a bar in the center that would show if both […]

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Q: I noticed there were some new buttons in the “Test Questions” tab when I’m building a test in EMSTesting.com. What do these do?

A: Our programmers have been hard at work making updates for the test creation piece in EMSTesting.com, and they’ve actually added quite a few new options. To the left of your questions you should notice a blank check box. If you select that box, the “remove selected” button above the first question will be enabled. […]

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Q: My students use mobile devices for their skill documentation. Is there a way for them to avoid downloading PDF’s for documentation purposes?

A: Yes, a new custom HTML form builder has been added to Platinum Planner. The form builder can be found within the administrative and teacher roles under “Options” in the black tool bar. The form builder allows for administrators and teachers to build custom forms, skill check off sheets, preceptor and student evaluations, etc. Forms […]

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Q: All of the times in EMSTesting.com are set to Eastern Time. Is there a way to set the time zones to my local time?

A: Actually, now there is! Time zone support was recently added in to EMSTesting.com at multiple levels. At the School Administrator level, school administrators can go up to the “Subscription” button near the top-left of the page, and select the time zone for the school. This will propagate the change throughout the school and set […]

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