Q: In EMSTesting, is it possible to throw out a test question after a test has been administered?

A: Yes! To throw out a question from a test after it has been administered, begin by making sure your role is set to “Instructor”, then click on your class, and then select “View Gradebook”. From your gradebook, click on the name of a test you would like to modify the results for, and then […]

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Q: As a student, what do I do if my Course or Class isn’t listed?

A: When students are attempting to submit enrollment into a course or class in our programs, what is listed for them to choose from are the current and upcoming courses or classes created by your institutions. If your Course or Class is not listed it may just be that it hasn’t been created yet, the […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, does the preceptor training offered by Platinum grade itself automatically, or do the Instructors/Administrators need to grade each Preceptors test manually?

A: While Preceptor tests needed to be manually graded in the past, the Platinum Development team have made a major overhaul for Preceptor training (See More Here). In addition to the ability to customize Preceptor training to fit your organization’s needs, when a Preceptor completes the default Preceptor test now, the test is graded automatically […]

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Q: When setting up the “Hours Requirements” for a course in Platinum Planner, what is the difference in between “EMS” and “EMS Field Internship?”

A: “EMS” hours are traditionally ambulance hours that occur during the students’ normal clinical rotation. This is considered “Field Experience” by CoAEMSP, which they define as: “Planned, scheduled, educational student time spent on an EMS unit, which may include observation and skill development, but which does not include field internship (capstone) team leading and does […]

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Q: Why am I having problems using my access code to pay for my course in Platinum Planner or my class in EMSTesting?

A: Depending on what you are running into, there can actually be multiple reasons why a code isn’t being accepted. 1. The Access Code has already been used – Access codes are one-time use. This means if you’ve already used it to pay for a course or class, it cannot be used again for another […]

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Introducing Platinum’s Knowledgebase!

Platinum Educational Group is striving to give you every tool possible to help you succeed in your endeavors. Within the past few months, we have officially released a brand new way to help our customers even more! Our newest tool, called the “Knowledgebase”, is a place where both instructors and students can get their questions […]

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Q: My students have been reporting to me that they cannot take their tests when I activate Platinum Secure Testing. Is there any advice that I can offer them to help them gain access to their tests?

A: Platinum Secure Testing is a secure testing browser designed to allow students to take online tests, but prevent them from accessing other websites while they test or running certain applications like Messenger, Skype, or other communication applications. As it does require that students close these other applications before Platinum Secure Testing will allow them […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, how do I change my password?

A: Before the Single Sign-On update, once you logged into Platinum Planner all you would need to do is go to My Account near the top-right of the page and you could enter a new password there. Now that accounts are linked in both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner, you need to go to my.platinumed.com to […]

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Q: I’ve set up a series of opportunities for my Paramedic students to sign up for, but they can’t see them as available on their end. They are also enrolled in a scenario class. Why can’t my students sign up for clinical opportunities?

A: If you are an instructor who has made clinical opportunities for the students to sign up for, but the students are unable to see them, this could be because of how scenario classes work. If the students in this course are also in a scenario class, this makes what opportunities are available to students […]

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Q: As a student in Platinum Planner, when I go in to set up a lab, the “+ Create A New Lab” button isn’t available. How do I create my labs?

A: When going to #3 on the Getting Started Checklist “Manage My Labs”, or going to the “Labs” button in the black toolbar and selecting “My Labs”, there are two different reasons why the “+ Create A New Lab” button may not be available. The first is that the option may have been disabled for […]

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